Dangerous Crocodile

The Most Dangerous Animals in the World

There are many dangerous animals in the world but only the deadliest ones make this top ten list. Ordered by the estimated number of humans they kill each year, snakes and scorpions top the list, mainly due to their aggressive behavior and lethal poisons. They are also fairly small animals so many people fail to see them before tragedy strikes (literally). Learn to recognize these ferocious animals and know how to avoid contact with them so you don't end up like one of the thousands of people killed each year by these wild animals. If you live in an area that does not contain any of these predators, consider yourself lucky. If you are a frequent traveler and visit regions where these animals may reside, try to stay in populated cities, or at least travel with an experienced guide. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry!

Deadliest Snake
1. Snakes

Snakes are considered to be the deadliest animal on earth due to the high number of people that are killed each year from snakebites. The Asian Cobra is notorious for killing the most, due to its aggressive behavior and lack of fear towards humans. The snake's venom is classified as a neurotoxin that rapidly attacks the nervous system and can lead to immediate asphyxiation (inability to breathe). Asian Cobras are found mainly in India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, & Thailand, so be extra careful if you plan on visiting south-eastern Asia.

Death Toll: 50,000+ per year

Deadliest Scorpion
2. Scorpions

Of all the deaths caused be scorpions each year, the Deathstalker scorpion is responsible for over 75% of them. These deadly scorpions are equipped with neurotoxins, just like the cobras, and can easily kill a young child or elderly person, but are less likely to kill a healthy adult. The reason so many people die from scorpions is because they like to dwell near people's homes and are often times found in shoes or clothes, which leads to people stepping on them and in turn the scorpion retaliates. Be sure to check your shoes if you live in or plan on visiting northern Africa or the Middle East.

Death Toll: 5,000+ per year

Dangerous Crocodile
3. Crocodiles

Not only are crocodiles big, they are extremely fast and versatile, which enables them to catch and devour almost any prey they prefer. The most dangerous crocodiles are the Saltwater and Nile Crocodiles, which are easily provoked and show no fear towards humans. These crocs are typically found in the southern parts of Asia, Australia, and throughout Africa.

Death Toll: 2,000+ per year

Dangerous Elephant
4. Elephants

The elephant is the largest land animal in the world and can easily crush anyone that stands in its way, which is why an enraged elephant is one of the most dangerous of all animals. Many of the deaths caused by elephants are atrributed to younger male elephants who are wild and more aggressive, which raid smaller villages, particularly in India and Sri Lanka during the night.

Death Toll: 500+ per year

Dangerous Hippo
5. Hippos

Although hippos may look cute and friendly, they are definitely one animal you do not want to cross. Easily frightened and extremely aggressive, hippos will not hesitate to attack a human, especially if one of its young babies are near. Hippos pose the biggest threat to those living in the continent of Africa.

Death Toll: 300+ per year

Dangerous Cape Buffalo
6. Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo are suspected to kill around 200 people every year. They typically will charge and gore their victims, and have been known to trample people as well. When you see Cape Buffalo roaming in Africa, they're usually not alone and an injured cape buffalo is even more dangerous and unpredictable than a healthy one. Weighing in at over 1500 lbs, even most lions don't dare bother hunting this aggressive beast.

Death Toll: 200+ per year

Dangerous Lion
7. Lions

Called 'King of the Jungle' for a reason, lions are one of the strongest and quickest animals for their size and they are excellent hunters. While most lions aren't man-eaters, the ones that do prey on humans are usually larger, older males whose teeth have decayed and require something easier to kill, such as humans. Lions can be found in Africa, India, & the Middle East.

Death Toll: 200+ per year

Dangerous Jellyfish
8. Jellyfish

Most jellyfish stings aren't toxic although most (if not all) can be extremely painful. The Box Jellyfish is said to be the most toxic of all jellyfish and a sting from them can easily kill a human because their venom leads to paralysis, which often leads to drowning. The majority of jellyfish stings occur in the Atlantic Ocean (near Florida) and along the eastern coast of Australia.

Death Toll: 100+ per year

Dangerous Shark
9. Sharks

While sharks don't kill nearly as many people as other animals on this list, they are still one of the sea creatures you don't want to mess with. Maybe it's the multiple rows of dagger-sharp teeth or the size of their huge mouths which can swallow you whole that makes them one of the ocean's most dangerous predators. The most prominent area affected by shark attacks is the United States; more specifically- Florida, California, Texas, and Hawaii.

Death Toll: 10-25 per year

Dangerous Tiger
10. Tigers

Most man-eating tigers are old and missing teeth, which leads them to acquiring a taste for humans because of their inability to capture their preferred prey. Most of the attacks take place in Bangledesh where human populations have impeded the tigers natural habitat, mainly due to the farming and cultivation of crops.

Death Toll: 5-15 per year

Dangerous Bear
11. Bears

When bears are hungry (usually around the end of winter) you'll want to stay as far away from them as you can. If you are out camping in the woods, be sure to lock up your foor or hang it in a tree. Never keep food with you in your tent or car, for bears can easily tear down the doors and wreak havoc. Areas most populated with bears include the moutain parts of Canada and the United States.

Death Toll: 5-10 per year

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